Gridbit SLMS
Intelligent Street lighting

GridBit SLMS

The first and most widely implemented smart city solution in Bulgaria

GridBit SLMS Generation 4 is the latest version of our intelligent street lighting system that is more flexible, simple, modular and cost efficient. It provides remote group management of lights and real-time monitoring of the entire electrical and lighting infrastructure.

If you want to learn more about the smart and sustainable cities, read this article in our blog:

THE Problem

Cities today need to cope with three main challenges: 


Increasing energy costs

The energy expenses associated with public lighting strain municipal budgets, diverting funds that could be better utilized. Inefficiencies in outdated technologies contribute to these elevated costs.


Maintenance ineffiency

Costs are additionally driven up by the inefficient maintenance practices – many cities still rely on traditional, reactive/scheduled inspections, leading to delayed identification and resolution of lighting issues. 


Sustainability goals

Sustainable urban planning and design are essential for contemporary cities. The integration of advanced technologies like intelligent street lighting systems is often seen as a good starting point. 

the Solution

Advanced, modular system for greater flexibility across different needs and budgets

GridBit SLMS intelligently upgrades street lighting infrastructure and provides digitalization of public lighting through:


Remote Group Management of lights 


Real-time Monitoring of the lighting and electrical infrastructure

Inteligent Street Lighting

System Components

Modular Hardware

Module GWU

Gateway unit - provides communication, management and data collection from peripheral modules and sensors in the LV switchboard.

Module MCU

3-phase energy analyzer - monitors the status of supply lines, control circuits, fuses, protections, contactors in the LV switchboard.

Module SMU

High voltage detector - measures a wide range of electrical parameters (by in- build three-phase indirect electricity meter).

Module RTU

Real-time clock - manages the power supply lines of the LV switchboard through automatic schedules or commands.

saas Platform

GridBit’s new management software is your full-control dashboard where you will find critical information, you will monitor and manage the intelligent lighting system, as well as your lighting infrastructure – all in one place.

         Platform features

System Configuration

user-friendly management of the system

Notifications & Alarms

for unexpected events in the platform itself or via email, SMS, etc.

Cloud based solution

for system stability and data security


for easy navigation and visualization of your infrastructure

Real-time monitoring

for quick and timely troubleshooting

Reports and analysis

of data for better overview and planning


of task execution, analysis and reports


with third-party systems

what you get with
gridbit slms?

Inteligent Ligting

Successful Implementations

Since 2017 we have helped numerous cities to cut electricity and maintenance costs, and get one step closer to a smarter and more sustainable city. 

Check out some of our success stories:

Municipality of Dragoman
Read success story
Municipality of Sozopol
Read succes story
Municipality of Roman
Read success story

What our customers say

The team of ADD Bulgaria responds quickly and flexibly to various requirements and challenges. This gives us peace of mind, knowing that we have a true partner with whom we achieve success together.

ADD Bulgaria provides reliable maintenance and precise configuration for all components of the intelligent street lighting system. We are happy to have made this collaboration in the town of Roman.

ADD Bulgaria were our partner in the realization of the projects in Sozopol and Dragoman. Nowadays it is so important to find a loyal partner, who will understand your needs and will show flexibility, while keeping all agreements. They are just that!


Can existing street lighting cabinets be upgraded with GridBit SLMS?

Existing panels can be upgraded with a GridBit SLMS street lighting management system as long as there is enough space to mount the hardware devices.

The process of implementing the solution is as follows: After concluding a contract for the supply of the GridBit SLMS system between ADD Bulgaria and the client, the production process of the hardware modules begins. At this time, the customer must provide the required number of SIM cards to be inserted into the GWU communication module. The customer must then provide information on the type of boards used and their single-line circuits. Also before delivery, the customer provides a list of people who will be trained to work with the system. The customer must send Add Bulgaria a schedule in writing, according to which he requires the street lighting to be initially automatically and remotely switched on and off by means of the relay(s) of the supplied hardware for the purpose of initial configuration of the system. After delivery of the modules, the customer, either independently or through a contractor, installs the hardware modules of the GridBit SLMS street lighting control system before installation in the field. At the next stage, the customer must notify ADD Bulgaria in writing upon completion of the installation activities of all street lighting panels, their connection to the power supply network and their commissioning, according to the agreed standard single-line schemes, including sending to ADD Bulgaria in writing, the names of the street lighting panels that are required to be presented in the System, including the exact addresses according to GPS coordinates, for their correct display on the System’s GIS map. The installation process ends together with the construction and installation activities, but after that there is a process of putting the system into operation. It includes conducting remote (online) training and providing access to the client’s employees.

No, a local server is not required as the system is built as a cloud solution. All that is needed is a computer from which the user can access the web-based platform.

  • The communication between the hardware modules installed in the dashboard and the server on which the platform is installed is carried out by means of GSM/GPRS.
  • Communication between the individual modules of the system, which are mounted on a DIN rail in the dashboard, is carried out via ModBus, RS485.

The panels in which the hardware configuration for remote control and monitoring of street lighting is installed must be:

  1. Plastic (in case a CONTRACTOR’s standard hardware configuration including internal mounting antennas is used);
  2. The cabinets can also be metal, in which case the antenna is for external installation. It is good to specify this at the very beginning of the project.
  3. Protected from unauthorized access;
  4. Of a type that does not allow the penetration of moisture.
  • Communication module (GWU-3): 90 mm(L) x 70 mm(W) x 30.5 mm(H);
  • Three Phase Network Analyzer (MCU-3): 90 mm(L) x 70 mm(W) x 30.5 mm(H);
  • Multi-Channel (Mains) Voltage Detector (SMU-3): 90 mm(L) x 70 mm(W) x 30.5 mm(H);
  • Schedule Control Module (RTU-2): 90mm(L) x 35mm(W) x 30mm(H);
  • Power Module (Option 1): 93mm(L) x 58mm(W) x 18mm(H).
  • The system provides in real time the reported indicators (voltage, current, power, consumed energy) and transmits information in case of deviation from the measured values.
  • Availability of power supply to the control panel, as well as to the branches on each branch separately (phases).
  • Ability to count the number of non-working lighting fixtures based on the ratio of current consumption / nominal consumption.
  • State of a number of elements: the main fuses, as well as the fuses to the individual branches (phases), the state of the executive elements – contactors, of the control circuits.
  • Monitoring the correct implementation of the set schedule for lighting control.
  • Status of tamper buttons for opening a door on the control panel.
  • Attempts to manipulate the control equipment.
  • Measurement of electrical parameters in the control panel.
  • Reporting of the parameters of the working environment in the control panel.

The GridBit SLMS intelligent street lighting management system is a tool that mainly optimizes the street lighting maintenance process. In large municipalities with a large number of switchboards or in municipalities with scattered switchboards (at a great distance from each other), it is extremely important that the information about the condition of the equipment is correct and available in advance. This saves time, fuel costs and makes the process much better. In addition, GridBit SLMS reduces costs caused by technical problems (e.g. leaks from poor cable infrastructure) and non-technical ones (electricity theft from unregulated connection to the grid).

The system for monitoring and managing the MA from ADD Bulgaria can work in any type of panel – both existing and new, plastic and metal, as long as there is enough space for mounting the hardware modules in it. For the trouble-free operation of the system, ADD Bulgaria recommends the installation of several electrical components – protection against transient overvoltages, a tamper button for an alarm when the dashboard door is opened, and others. Failure to follow these recommendations will not disrupt the operation of the system, but could lead to other types of problems for the customer and the municipality.

Yes, access to the platform is on an annual subscription basis. By paying for this subscription, the customer provides access to the latest features and improvements to the system, as well as the removal of various types of bugs.

Yes, the warranty is normally 2 years.

SIM card requirements are as follows:

  • Network connectivity to the Internet. They do not necessarily have static addresses;
  • Traffic at a maximum speed of 1-5GB, with 1GB being the minimum size;
  • When the traffic of 1-5GB is exhausted, the service should not stop, but switch to a minimum speed of 128Kbps;
  • Internet connection ports should not be limited;
  • That the pin code of the cards has been removed.

Do you need more details about Gridbit slms?


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