we provide solutions for energy efficiency, digitalization and automation

ADD Bulgaria

Leader in the Intelligent IoT Solutions

We are one of the first companies in Bulgaria to develop, integrate and deploy millions of IoT devices at energy distributors, municipalities and industrial enterprises. Our mission is to facilitate a smooth energy transition through digitalization and modernization of low voltage infrastructures, which will help our customers optimize their processes, better utilize assets and get closer to a more efficient and sustainable future.

Innovative solutions

Intelligent Energy Measurement ADDAX

Solution for distribution system operators

Smart Grid Management GridBit EIM

Solution for distribution system operators and industrial enterprises

Smart Cities

Energy efficiency management systems for sustainable cities

Why Add Bulgaria

Installed smart electricity meters
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Installed data concentrators
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Digitalized street lights cabinets
cities and towns benefitting from our intelligent street lights system
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Distribution companies with modernized metering infrastructure

Customers and partners


ADD Bulgaria was selected to take part in a tech camp by Murata Manufacturing

We are excited to share with you that ADD Bulgaria has been selected as one of the six companies to participate in the upcoming Kumihimo Tech Camp in Bulgaria, supported by Endeavor Bulgaria, in cooperation with the leading Japanese electronics manufacturer – Murata Manufacturing. Our company is the only one selected with an IoT solution among the many participants in this field, which is a huge recognition for us. Murata Manufacturing is known for looking for unique and innovative solutions, and clearly the Japanese giant sees the potential in our team, ideas and capabilities. Why Murata Manufacturing? Murata Manufacturing

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The New Brand ‘GridBit’ by ADD Bulgaria – new team, fresh ideas and even more innovative solutions for smart cities and smart grids  

THe new brand GridBit – what has changed and what has been achieved Exactly one year ago ADD Bulgaria took а bold step – to separate its product development unit as a new brand, called GridBit. Why? Because in a fast-developing world, achieving ambitious goals requires a lot of hard work, creativity, and brave actions.   The main mission of the new brand GridBit is to create the next generation of IoT products that meet the continuously changing requirements for smart city and smart grid.  Growing the team    The first change we undertook was to find a new Technical

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ADD Bulgaria Presented its New System for Street Lighting Management – GridBit SLMS at an Event in Sofia

On 25.04 (Thursday) was held a seminar dedicated to street lighting, in which ADD Bulgaria had the privilege to take part. The event was organized by the Bulgarian National Committee of Illumination and was focused on the topic “Potential opportunities to reduce capital and energy costs in the renovation and construction of new LED street lighting systems.” Our presentation was on the topic GridBit SLMS – the new, advanced solution for intelligent street lighting management from ADD Bulgaria. Our team showed our extensive experience in modernization projects and highlighted how the GridBit SLMS system is revolutionizing street lighting management,

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Need more details about our solutions?

Quality Certification

As a serious company specializing in the development and integration of intelligent solutions for the energy industry, ADD Bulgaria is regularly certified – ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 14001 for environmental management and ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety management. These certifications are essential to us and our customers. They prove our commitment to high standards of production and sustainable management.

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let's talk about energy efficiency, resource management and smart city. No obligations.